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Drop-in  Sessions

Do you need a Tune Up?

Feeling overwhelmed, wound up, or frustrated? Do you connect to music and want to know how you could use it to help you?


Get In Tune is providing weekly, 40-minute "Tune Ups" - virtual small group sessions to help you de-stress, relieve anxiety, and have fun!

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Each week you'll learn a coping strategy you can use for life. Take a short break and leave the session refreshed and renewed. No experience is necessary - just bring yourself, your smile, and your love of music. We'll be doing some drumming, and you can use whatever you have - a shaker, drum, pot or pan, a table top, or simply use your own body for an instrument!


No commitment is required - come to one session or come every week. Registration is $15 and must be received no later than one hour before the session begins.


Note: These are not therapy sessions. If you would like to schedule a therapy session with one of our Music Therapists, please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.

Get In Tune TUNE UP Drop-in Sessions are available:



4:00pm PT


Save 20% on a 4-session package!


Get In Tune offers virtual music therapy throughout the US and in-person music therapy to treatment facilities in Southern California, the Greater Denver Area, and West Palm Beach, Florida. If you would like in-person music therapy in another area, please reach out - we may be able to help place a mental health music therapist with you!


To partner with Get In Tune or to learn more about our programs and services, please contact us by phone, email or via the contact form here. We would love the opportunity to serve you and your community.


Marlys Woods, MS, LMFT, MT-BC


info (at)

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What is your area of interest? (check all that apply)

Thank you for your message -

We look forward to connecting with you soon! 

© 2022 Get In Tune Inc. All rights reserved.

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