Who doesn’t love a fresh start? The new year often feels like a great time to do just that. We create resolutions, make relationship, job, and fitness goals, and off we go. Then the reality of the challenges we face combined with the gloomy winter weather set in and we can lose our focus, or get discouraged.
I’m one of those goal setters. And while goal setting is important, I’m trying to take a different approach this year. This year I’m focused on intentionality, for both my personal life and my business.
Our mission at Get In Tune is to teach everyone struggling with mental health how to use music to accelerate their healing and create healthy life changes.
We envision a society where we all know how to feel and face emotions in order to achieve a feeling of freedom in our lives.
Included in this month’s newsletter are Get In Tune’s 2022 Highlights (see below!), and I was excited to see that so much of our work last year was directly focused on supporting this mission. We’ve expanded our individual and post-treatment group services, revamped the Therapist-Led version of our DIY Music Therapy program, In Tune, and added a weekly email subscription with mental health tips, just to name a few!
When I tune in to myself I know we are on the right track, and I’m so excited to see how we are going to expand our outreach in 2023.
What are your intentions for the new year? Where will you focus your energy and decision making? If you aren’t sure, I encourage you to try this short exercise:
Get a piece of paper and colored pencils (or crayons, or markers)
Turn on “Girl on Fire” by Alicia Keys
Free draw while you are listening, focusing on what makes you fired up and motivated
When the song ends, take a look at what you drew and give your creation a title
2023, Here we come!
~ Marlys