Are any of these familiar?
This list contains many of the most common signs of anxiety or depression. If you are experiencing any of these, please seek help.
Asking for help is a sign of STRENGTH, not weakness.
We see you and we’re here for you.
Reach out if you would like to learn how you can use music to help with ANY of these.
You feel like a shell of a person
Your voice feels muzzled
You’re unsure of your own wants and needs
You can't make decisions on your own
You do things because you’re afraid of being abandoned
You’re not your true self with people
You feel a self-imposed pressure to be perfect
You feel a self-imposed pressure to be liked by everyone
You feel like an outsider, like the “weird” one
You don’t feel truly present or accepted in a group
You’re numb to emotions
Your body has consistent, unexplained pain
You’re an expert at reading people’s emotions, but you push away or don’t know your own
You resent others’ lack of care even though you haven’t expressed your needs
You resent that you do more than others in your relationships
You resent that you don’t have time for yourself
You participate in activities that cause harm to oneself, even subconsciously, such as substance use, risky sex, etc.
You engage in self-harm such as cutting, burning, tearing, or other physical forms of self-abuse to feel a sense of control
You talk negatively about yourself in your mind or to others about yourself
You become emotionally overwhelmed immediately or blame yourself when relationship conflict occurs
You withhold joy or fun from yourself
You isolate yourself because you find being around others to be exhausting, emotionally overwhelming, or you don’t feel like you belong
You believe you are unwanted or unloved
You experience panic attacks
You punish yourself in some way for perceived or actual failure
You experience frequent bouts of sadness, loneliness, shame, guilt, and/or fear
You have difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks
You become irritable or nervous when you experience stress
You’re sleeping a lot more or a lot less than usual
You’re eating a lot more or less than usual
You manipulate your eating patterns in an unhealthy way as a form of control
You have suicidal thoughts, premeditation, or attempts